Case Studies - AI/ML/Bots

Explore AI/ML/Bots Case Studies for insights into Byteridge's innovative solutions and expertise in machine learning


Ruuh - AI Chatbot | Mobile, Cloud, AI/Ml/Bots

We helped bring Ruuh – AI based desi chatbot experience to web and mobile. Be it a small talk about cricket or sharing intimate emotions, Ruuh loves it all.


FIP - rule-base BOT | UX, Electron, Angular4, Node.js

The FIP rule-based BOT that allows a PHILIPS representative to ask a series of questions to diagnose an issue with a component before a machine is serviced.


Truflo | UX, Android, iOS, Machine Learning

TRUFLO, a Mobile App through which the users can login to the app and scan the company logo and get company branded video and offers.


BanterX | Bot, Node, Angular, AWS SQS, Redis Cache

BanterX, a web-based self-serve advertisement platform enabling brand marketers to communicate contextually relevant information about their products and services to consumers, in a conversation/AI format, through 3rd party conversational agents/bots across various platforms.