Reducing Technical Debt through Gen AI

Introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, technical debt is an almost unavoidable challenge. Technical debt refers to the future cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer. It’s like a debt that accumulates interest over time, making systems harder to […]

A Complete Guide to Mobile App Development

Mobile app development requires prioritizing user experience. Learn how to build mobile apps efficiently and ensure app functionality aligns with the purpose. Source  With over 4.88 billion smartphone users in 2024 (projected to rise to 6.4 billion by 2029), mobile applications have become an indispensable part of our daily lives.  The mobile application market is […]

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Product Studio

Selecting the right product studio can transform your innovative ideas into successful products for your market. Learn how to choose the right fit.  Source Transforming an idea into a marketable product is quite complex. Where do you begin? How do big brands manage it? Will it be a good product for your customers? A compelling […]

Managing Stakeholders during Application Modernisation

Stakeholders are the driving force behind any project. Whether it’s a product launch, a construction project, or a software development endeavor, stakeholders have interests, needs, and expectations that must be managed effectively for the project to succeed. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of managing stakeholder expectations and provide actionable tips for […]

Revolutionizing AgriTech

The Essential Role of Application Modernisation Source The agricultural sector is experiencing a digital renaissance. From smart irrigation systems to precision agriculture tools, innovative technologies are transforming how we grow food. This digital transformation fuels a projected market size of USD 25.4 billion for smart agriculture by 2028, with a staggering CAGR of 9.4% from […]

Working with Cross-Functional Teams

Cross-Functional Team Cross-functional teams include people from various organizational departments—such as project management, product development, Testing teams, and UX designers—who work together to achieve a common goal. Oftentimes, cross-functional teams are organized to complete a specific project, but they can also be created with a more ongoing purpose. The cross-functional teams are very effective when […]

IMPACT of Customer Feedback on Product Innovation

WHY Is Customer Feedback Needed Customer Feedback plays a very crucial role in Product Innovation. It ensures that products are developed with the end-users in mind. This approach leads to products that meet the expectations and needs of the users. It also helps in identifying the pain points, issues which leads to the discovery of […]

Conversational AI Vs. Generative AI

What’s The Difference? Source There is more to human-computer interactions than typing code and generating outputs now. The resourcefulness of artificial intelligence (AI) has wormed its way into almost everything—from automating mundane manual tasks to developing content, it has become a trending topic in marketing and business.  A report by CompTIA highlights that over 20% […]